Course 'The light in you'
Every year I hear my English and Dutch friends here in France say that's a bit boring in winter time. That's now a thing of the past! Let's have the sun shining in our heart and soul in the dark and misty days. We can shine our light together in the 5-days course 'The light in you'. In this course you will strengthen your intuition and discover or expand your spiritual skills. As you get closer to yourself, the outside world will have less and less influence on you.

- intuition
- reading energy
- automatic writing
- spiritual guides
- family systems
Course 1
2024: 28/10, 4/11, 11/11, 18/11, 25/11
Course 2
2025: 20/1, 27/1, 3/2, 10/2, 17/2
10:30 - 16:30
incl: coffee, tea, water, cookies and lunch - also vegan.
€ 195,00 5-days cours
€ 50,00 per day
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